Thursday, 24 September 2009

Research On Existing Videos.

Students Work - Music Video 08-09

We have chosen this music video as an example as we plan to use the same idea of stop-motion. It is not an amazing video but portrays the same ideas that we are hoping to include in our own video.

We have chosen this music video as an example as we like the girly theme used throughout. The video is a little boring but it captures some of the same ideas that we would like to use.

Actual Music Videos

We like this video, as although its not an official music video, its very cute and girly and used the idea of doodles and hand drawn animation, which is an idea we are very keen on.

Again, we like this video by Kate Nash as we are very keen on the vintage style used in the video and also on the small amount of animation used in the video. There is an example of stop-motion when a pair of socks appears to move around the floor. The video is the official music video and we like the theme throughout, as well as some of the individual scenes.

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