Wednesday 11 November 2009

problems with filming...again

We where due to film on Sunday the 8th, but problems with our actress meant that yet again we where let down. Therefore we decided to again change the actress and use a member of our own group, Hannah, to ensure that we could get the filming done in time. It took a day to film from several different scenes, including Emma's bedroom/house and fields. In all we had both film and many photos for the different stop-motion scenes. We chose to film from different angles so we had choice because of the time scale we where working on, we knew we did not have time for error because we would not have enough time to re-film.
Other problems we had with filming included not having a suitable tripod. Therefore we had to move shelving around the house to achieve a steady shot. We had a small tripod that we used in the fields resulting in all the shots being from a low angel. Although not planned this worked out extremely successful as it had a great shot using the dazzle from the sunset.
Also as it took so long to do the stop-motion that it became too dark to do the street scenes and the station scene. We therefor decided to cut these bits out as we already had enough footage and didn't want the video to become too busy and random.

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