Representation is the interpretations of the 'world' from the mediators, (filmmakers-editors, producers, directors ect.). It is informed by the mediators own background and experiences (class, race, gender, education, age).
Representation is expressed to the audience through the use of media texts. The audience analyse the representations with reference o their own backgrounds, beliefs and experiences.
Music Video:
Representations show the character as innocent, girly and sweet. Ways this can be seen is through the girly, childish doodles and the scratchy effects on the video creating a vintage feel. Also the sepia tone makes the whole feel of the video calm and soft. Through our product and the ancillary tasks we kept the on-going girly feel, using swirls and butterflies as representation on the texts. Also we kept the sepia tone on-flowing to the texts through a orange/ rustic colour to show the vintage feel.
Monday, 11 January 2010
The basic story line of the music video is an outline of the girls day. The story follows the girls day through several activities that connect to the lyrics. It shows as if she is searching for something or just aimlessly wandering creating a soft effect to fit in with the theme. The narrative both starts and finishes with the girl in bed, showing a clear start and end to the song on the video. The whole narrative is soft and girly. We attempted to gain the same effect as some other music videos, for example Kate Nash 'Foundations' and Katy Perry 'Thinking of you'. These both have a narrative that is almost diary related, following the character through her day. A lot of the narrative is closely connected with the lyrics of song. For example the party scene is connected with 'i met you at a party'. This shows a strong narrative, we chose to do this so we could make a more personal video. Having a video with no narrative we dont believe would have been appropriate for this particular genre.
debbie emma hannah and cieran
Media Concepts; Genre.
In this particular part the words have denotations of cute and girly, therefore these also create a connection with the visuals, the music and the overall genre and representation of the band.
From the beginning, we knew we wanted a cute, girly theme to match the theme of the song, with lots of hand-drawn animation and doodles.
A convention of music videos is that the genre might be reflected in types of mise-en-scene, themes, performance, camerawork and editing styles. I think our music video links to this convention as our vintage theme throughout links with the lyrics of the song, and all aspects of the development process reflect the same theme and genre.
At one point we wanted to choose a different track with a totally different video genre.
debbie hannah emma cieran