Due to close deadlines and time shortages we decided to film the rough cut, very roughly. To do this we filmed in one and a half hours and used the wrong actress due to complications with the chosen actress having time to film. We where then planning on filming in a weekend but found it difficult as all the team members wanted to be there for the filming but one was away on a university trip.
Further complications included the weather not fitting in well with the plans, also we wanted a bike and a dog but found both of these difficult to get hold of in the center of Cambridge. In the end we filmed a lot of random footage but found little of this appropriate or able to use. Also as we filmed during college hours it was difficult to find suitable miss-en-scene and costumes. Also due to not having a c.d player in school it was difficult to get the timing and words correct, this made it more difficult to match the miming with the track, we attempted recording the song onto a phone and playing it but this was fuzzy and quiet making it even more difficult.
Our finished product has turned out to be nothing like our planning and story boarding. Therefore we plan to spend more time working on our finished product over half term so we can use appropriate miss-en-scene and costumes. Therefore we are hoping that our finished product will be much better and fit in well with our storyboard.
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