Thursday, 8 October 2009

Final Ideas.

We have a pretty clear idea in our heads of what we are aiming for and this is portrayed in our storyboards.

Here is a final outline of our music video -

The first scene will be of the girl in bed during the morning, after she has just woken up. This will be as the music has just started to play.
By the time the lyrics start, she will be getting up and starting to get ready. While she is looking in the mirror, she will write some of the initial lyrics on the mirror in lipstick - we may or may not do this scene in stop-motion. During filming, we will experiment with both, and see which style looks better during the editing process.
The video will then change to an image of the girl sitting, reading a paper or magazine with a cup of tea. This will be shot from opposite the girl - but the next scene will be as if the camera is the girl's eyes, looking down on the table as if from her perspective. A notebook will be on the table also, and the lyrics playing at the time will be written in stop-motion on the pages of the book.
The next shot will be of the girl, from a front angle, riding a bike down a narrow street. We are hoping to use an old-style bike, preferably with a basket.
The shot will then switch to one of the girl riding the bike from a side-view.
Another shot which we may or may not use at this point would be one of the girl swirling in a country location with leaves falling around her. We may edit this shot in slow motion if we decide to use it.
We would then have a close up of the girl lip-synching to the lyrics, where a lot of the attention would be focused on her. It is crucial at this point that, during editing, we do a good job so the video looks professional and realistic. A major problem with some videos that affects the marks they achieve is errors during the editing process.
The next scene would use only animation and stop-motion. The lyrics would appear over the screen, maybe with some hand-drawn doodles.
The next shot would be one of the girl walking down a street

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